A mystical exploration of the transformative nature of heart-centered anger.
Anger is a master emotion that plays a key role in your self liberation. Yet it is an emotion that for the most part we handle poorly.
Your relationship with anger can singlehandedly hinder your capacity to experience deep intimacy and to face the challenges in your life.
What is your relationship status with anger?
I mean it seriously... How do you relate to anger?
- Is it something that you despise and judge and have therefore banished to the darkest corners of your psyche?
- Is it something that you hold on a tight leash because of a "good girl" or "nice guy" conditioning? Does it often leak as passive aggression?
- Is anger something that you see as "spiritually inappropriate or unevolved"? Something that you "shouldn't" express if you are on a spiritual path?
- Is it something that you repress in an attempt to protect others around you, because the only ways anger was modeled to you were aggression or hostility?
- Is anger something that comes quick to you? Maybe just a little too quick at times? Always a breath away from an outburst or even rage?
- Are you known to be hijacked by outbursts of anger during reactive episodes? To the degree where it often burns connection or meaningful relationships?
- Is expressing your anger something that often leaves you feeling regretful or even fearful of retaliation or punishment?
I think you get the picture by now... Most people have at best a complicated relationship with anger. Can you relate?
Our evolution demands that we mature our relationship with anger and our use of that sacred inner fire.
Anger properly harnessed, can become the agent of self liberation that will get you out of feeling stuck.
"My inability to express myself when I felt angry or when a boundary was crossed, has made me cut off connections I deeply valued in the past. Now I feel like I can stay in my body and express myself even when anger is here. I wish I had known these tools earlier."
- Emma V.
"As a man, I only knew how to express anger through shutting down or becoming aggressive. Of course that didn't do any good to my relationships. So much pain was buried under it. Now I feel like it's possible for me to be assertive without being volatile."
- Pat Martens.
Your relationship with anger affects the quality of all the other relationships in your life, including your relationship with yourself.
One of the biggest misconceptions is confusing anger with aggression or hostility. This is what has been modeled for many.
We often see anger as a wild beast that either needs to be sedated or unleashed onto others as a way to gain dominance, to protect ourselves, to have control or to impose a perverted form of power.
These perspectives prevent us from tapping into the true nature of anger. They disconnect us and make our relationships stale, filled with unspoken resentment, which in return hijacks our capacity for true intimacy and authenticity.
When we are not courageous enough to express how angered we have been by a situation or someone, it can quickly turn into self aggression, because it feels like self betrayal.
Through reconciling with your anger in a healthy way, there is a true opportunity to tap into deeper intimacy, to take a stand for yourself with compassion and to use that sacred inner fire to fuel your personal transformation.
GET THE REPLAY!Repressing our anger is one of the key reasons why we abandon ourselves and deny our authenticity.
Towards a new paradigm of healthy relating to anger...
When I often invite people to reconcile with their anger, here are some of the fears they express:
- Those who have repressed their anger often fear that they'll become aggressive towards people they love. (PS: some of the most aggressive people I know are the ones who often repress their anger to the point where they end up exploding.)
- Others fear that if they lose their aggressive edge and learn how to balance their anger, they will turn into doormats. Yet some of the most powerful people I know are the ones who can be assertive without being aggressive.
- I've often heard others I've worked with tell me that they fear that reclaiming their anger or any assertiveness will get them to end up being alone. To that I say that learning how to stand for yourself mostly repels people who benefited from your passivity.
Here is what is truly available when you initiate this sacred work...
- The quality of your relationships will be recalibrated. They will become a space for more honesty, intimacy and connection.
- Your capacity to remain authentic and heart-centered even when circumstances are challenging will deepen.
- Your ability to assert healthy boundaries without fawning, and to take a stand for yourself without being hostile will increase.
- Healthy anger also plays a vital role in our ability to face our fears. It plays a vital role in our ability to be courageous and to face the unknown. In that sense, reconciling with your anger will fuel your personal transformation.
When you meet anger in it's purest form, it becomes a force for fierce compassion, intimacy, connection and personal transformation.
"Anger has been such a foreign language for me for decades. The good girl conditioning was just so hard to shake for me. I was too repressed to the point where I think it started affecting me physically. Now I feel like I got back in touch with a long lost friend."
- Nicole Higgs.
"The connection you made between embracing healthy anger and facing fears has been a game changer for me. I used to crumble in front of my fears. I would've never thought that I could source from healthy anger to confront them. Thank you Xavier!."
- Frances Davis.
This is what we will explore...
- A somatic and integrative approach to reconnecting with your repressed anger, to metabolize it and to recognize its highest invitations.
- How to clean your anger from hostility, to transmute aggression and turn it into a force for compassion, healthy assertiveness and connection.
- How to harness healthy anger to face the fears that cripple your life.
- How to channel your anger in a healthy way to fuel needed boundaries and to take a stand for yourself when appropriate.
- How to release the "nice guy" or "good girl" syndromes, so that you can prioritize being compassionately real and authentic instead of overly agreeable.
- We will meet and integrate the repressed pain in the shadow that anger is often pointing at.
- How to move from self aggression to self compassion through rebalancing your anger.
- I will take you through two (02) signature anger integration processes: reclaiming your sacred fire & befriending your inner dragon.
- You will leave this workshop with practical tools, to work with your anger more skillfully and to maintain healthy and heart-centered communication even when anger emerges.
Anchoring a paradigm of heart-centered anger. This is your personal invitation to join me on a journey to reclaim your sacred inner fire.
Awakening Heart-Centered Anger
This is a 3+ hour event. We dive into the deep end of our relationship with anger, where true transformation awaits.
$55 USD

Hi there, I am Xavier.
I am a Coach, Shadow integration facilitator, trauma-informed transformation guide and teacher. My work is about helping you integrate the geometry of self liberation. I find deep fulfilment in assisting light workers and thought leaders dissolve the hidden forces that keep them from shining bright and unleashing their expression.
My work is psycho-spiritual and bridges Jungian psychology, somatic experiencing, spiritual wisdom and transformational coaching.
With this offering, I bring you the inner technology that has allowed me to deepen my self liberation and intimacy in relationships, through connecting with heart centered anger.